Help your child improve their concentration, attention, behaviour and ability to learn

Are they having difficulty …

Many bright and intelligent children can have these issues!

Our goal is to address the underlying causes and help your child achieve their full potential.

Learning Connections has been helping children since 1976 to develop the processes essential for successful learning, focus and concentration.

Child struggling

How Learning Connections can help

Individual Assessment

Tailored program

Follow-up Evaluation

Try our free assessment tool

If you check 3 or more of these characteristics, this may indicate immaturities in your child’s development. Learning Connections can help!

Online Questionnaire

This self assessment questionnaire will assist us with your enquiry. All information provided is confidential.

Does your child display any of the following characteristics? Check the box beside all that apply.(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


Call us today

Have a chat and book a personalised assessment or complete the questionnaire above and we’ll call you back.