Early Years Program
Ready for School!

Maximising children’s opportunities for learning and development is key to effective Kindergarten programs and Prep curricula.

Wobble Boy

How the Early Years Program works

Stage 1

Stage 2

Annual refreshers

Theory and Practice combine

Factors contributing to school-readiness and academic learning

Learn about the impact of individual child factors and development upon school readiness: including sensory systems, motor skills, executive functions, social-emotional learning and higher cognitive abilities. Explore environmental factors which also impact readiness, including the built, social, kindergarten and home environments.

Support holistic development

Dive deep into key topics such as: critical periods for neural development and plasticity; the sensory system and sensorimotor integration; the importance of movement and the connection between motor skills and cognitive development; how the vestibular system impacts learning and behaviour and how you can enhance vestibular function; proprioception and body awareness; tactile and auditory systems; self-regulation.

Program Delivery

Examine the practical methods of how to deliver the Early Years Program in your centre and integrate it with your existing centre programs. Flexibility is important to us and we regularly adjust activities and delivery strategies to suit particular educational environments, curricula, learning frameworks or routines. Most importantly, we listen to educators in practice and continually develop the Program utilising their feedback.

Partnering with Families

Through a Parent and Community engagement workshop we provide an opportunity for families to learn how the Program works, listen to any particular needs of the community and make suggestions for varying the delivery to respond to those needs. We describe strategies for the home environment: diet, mealtimes, physical activity and screen time.

Two years are better than one!

Help children transition from Kindy to Prep with the familiarity of the Early Years Program. We love working with kindergartens and primary schools who collaborate to deliver the Program as part of their K-2 continuity and alignment strategy. This approach consolidates the significant benefits for children as well as being a vehicle for collaborative efforts by staff.

Follow-up is key

4 to 6 weeks after the initial training, Stage 2 is an individualised hands-on mentoring process to assist educators to implement the Program with their groups and address specific questions they may have. Our trainers review how educators deliver the activities and provide guidance on techniques and further integration. Stage 2 also includes a follow-up workshop for families.

Take home resources

All Program participants receive a program manual, a set of flashcards to use as a reminder of the core activities and our ‘5 Minute Moves’ song list – a fun playlist with songs to accompany each of the core activities.

Teachers receive a certificate of completion for the workshop they attend.

Learning Connections’ professional development workshops contribute to Teachers and Early Childhood Educators CDC (Continuing Professional Development), aligning with the following Quality Frameworks: Australian Professional Standards for Teachers: 1, 4 and 7; ACECQA National Standards: Quality Areas 1, 2 and 5.


Let's develop a proposal together

Provide us with some basic information and let’s organise a time to talk. We write a tailored proposal for each of our clients, and happily answer any questions you have before committing to introducing the Early Years Program into your centre.

Prefer a Public Workshop instead? Check here if any are scheduled near you.