Learning Connections

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Low additive, healthy lunchbox ideas for more effective learning

There’s a lot of pressure on parents and educators these days to encourage healthy eating and optimise learning strategies. Teachers are facing increasing stress to perform however this is greatly controlled by the behaviour and willingness of their class (which is in turn drastically impacted by the food the children are eating). Unfortunately though, parents…

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Why and how early movement impacts on Development

Movement is the most essential component of development. A baby innately wants to master control of his movement so that eventually he can move freely in an upright position against gravity. The first visible step to gaining this independence is to achieve head control. A newborn infant has very little head control. If you hold…

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What can be behind my child’s challenging behaviours?

There are many factors that can be contributing to challenging behaviours in young children. Children’s developmental differences are often expressed as challenging behaviours. Looking at the chart below you will see that many behaviours can be indicative of many different behavioural disorders. It is important to understand the similarities between challenging early childhood behaviours and…

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The Importance of Movement

Movement is a child’s first language, and it is through movement that the child first starts to explore the world and gain body control. The most advanced level of movement is the ability to stay totally still. Until the child has control over movement and the ability to sit or to stand still1, he does…

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Spatial Awareness: Why does it matter?

All our physical actions take place in relation to the space that we occupy. Spatial awareness is the knowledge of how much space the body occupies and needs, and how to orientate oneself in that space. We need this awareness to relate comfortably to other objects and to other people, and to be able to…

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Does diet affect children’s behaviour?

Red cordial, green lollies and anything containing sugar – they’ve all been blamed for making kids hyperactive. But how clear is the link between food and children’s behaviour? And if one exists, which foods do we need to watch out for? Talk to many parents and they’ll list a number of foods guaranteed to turn…

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